Possible Game Maker bug with import package


I've noticed a strange inconsistent problem with the tile collision system. If I open up the "Super State Engine - Empty Template.yyz" to create a project, everything is fine. BUT if I create a blank project in game maker and import the local package, I end up with all actors floating 1 pixel above ground. The collision between actors (for actors with flag_solid set to true) also causes some problems.

I do not as of now understand how it can happen. White the projects are created in a different way, the code and room structure are exactly the same yet one method leads to a bug but not the other. I'll have to investigate this thoroughly, maybe try creating my local package with another version of Game Maker (I'm using a slightly outdated version because the latest one gave me a bug in another project). This is possibly a Game Maker bug that is out of my control.

In the meantime I've uploaded new versions of the Empty Template and Demo Platformer yyz files that are working correctly. Please use those for the time being. I know this can be inconvenient so I'll try my best to figure this out. I'll post later when I have an update. Thanks everyone for your support!


Super State Engine - Demo Platformer.yyz 802 kB
11 days ago
Super State Engine - Empty Template.yyz 527 kB
11 days ago

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